Department of infectious diseases with epidemiology

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Chemych Mykola

Head of the Department

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences

In 1984 he graduated from Ternopil State Medical Institute (TSMI). 1984-1986 – clinical residency training at the Department of Infectious Diseases of TSMI. 1986-1989 – postgraduate student at the same department. From 1989 to 1994 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Infectious Diseases of TSMI.

Since 1994, he has been working at Sumy State University as an assistant, associate professor, and head of the Department of Infectious Diseases. The topic of his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences is “Clinical, epidemiological and pathogenetic features of shigellosis, optimization of treatment measures”. He was a member of the Specialized Academic Council with the right to accept for consideration and defend dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Medical Sciences in the specialties 14.01.10 “Pediatrics” and 14.01.13 “Infectious Diseases” at the Pirogov National Medical University. He has over 30 years of teaching experience, 38 years of medical experience, and the highest medical category. He is the author of more than 490 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 1 reference book, 20 manuals approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, a number of methodological recommendations, 6 copyright certificates for inventions and patents, etc. She carries out extensive organizational and methodological work in medical and preventive institutions of the region and the Educational and Research Medical Institute. He is constantly introducing new methods of treatment into the treatment process. Expert of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the areas of “Infectious diseases. Children’s infectious diseases”.

Chemych M.D. has repeatedly submitted proposals to the leadership of the regional health care department to improve the organization and level of specialized medical care to the population. He initiated and directly developed, and now continues to implement the AntiHepatitis program. He is the chairman of the NGO “Association of Infectious Diseases Specialists of Sumy Region”, a member of the board of the NGO “All-Ukrainian Association of Infectious Diseases Specialists. He regularly organizes regional and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences on infectious diseases. He has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the All-Ukrainian Association of Infectious Diseases and diplomas of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and was honored by the Sumy Regional State Administration.