Self-training. Dentistry


The mark: a computer tests_____ writing_____ interview_____

Name/surname___________________________ A group____ Duration of the work is 20 minutes

1. Patient G., 32 years old, was taken to the infectious diseases department a week after visiting the forest. The disease began with localized erythema on the leg. Later, the rash spread throughout the body, the temperature rose to 39,0C. Complaints of the severe weakness, headache, heart pain.

1a Formulate a clinical diagnosis.

1b Plan anti-epidemic measures for the contact persons.

2. 2 Cholera`s epidemiology.


3. 3 The acute hepatic insufficiency clinic.

The list of the theoretical questions for preparation of the students for the final modular control. Dentists

· The subject and tasks of epidemiology.

· The epidemic process and its components.

· Sections of the doctrine of the epidemic process.

· Driving forces of the epidemic process.

· Features of the epidemic process in anthroponoses and zoonoses. The concept of sapronosis.

· Quantitative and qualitative manifestations of the epidemic process.

· Anti-epidemic measures in the centers of infectious diseases.

· Determination of the focus of infectious disease. In what directions is the epidemiological survey of the center conducted?

· What determines the boundaries of the focus of infectious disease? Give the examples.

· The purpose and objectives of the epidemiological survey of the center.

· How are infectious patients identified and reported?

· The source and reservoir of infectious diseases.

· The sick person and carrier and their epidemiological significance.

· The categories of carriers of the infectious diseases.

· The epidemiological significance of the animals.

· Concept of the rodent control, types and methods.

· The theory of the mechanism of transmission of infectious diseases by LV Gromashevsky. Definition of the transmission mechanism, its links. Factors and ways of transmission of the infectious diseases.

· Laws of conformity of the mechanism of transmission to the primary (epidemiological) localization of the pathogen in the human body.

· The types of the mechanisms of transmission of the infectious agents of human diseases.

· Definition of disinfection, its types and methods.

· Calendar of the preventive vaccinations in Ukraine.

· Drawing up a plan for preventive vaccinations.

· Epidemiological, social and economic significance of the infectious diseases.

· The concept of territory, groups, time and risk factors.

· The importance of the social factor in the development of the epidemic process.

· The importance of natural factors in the development of the epidemic process.

· Planning of anti-epidemic and preventive measures.

· The types of vaccines by the method of production, by quantity. components. Advantages and disadvantages of the each type.

· Requirements for immunobiological drugs for vaccination.

· Requirements for storage and transportation of the immunobiological drugs for vaccination.

· Contraindications to immunization with different types of the vaccines.

· The post-vaccination reactions and post-vaccination complications, their characteristics, timing.

· The calendar of preventive vaccinations in Ukraine, its sections.

· The organization of immunoprophylaxis.

· The definition of "cold chain"

· The vaccination measures

· Post-vaccination measures

· The clinical effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis

· Immunological effectiveness of the immunoprophylaxis

· Epidemiological effectiveness of the immunoprophylaxis

· The drugs for emergency immunoprophylaxis

· The methods of administration of heterologous drugs for urgent immunoprophylaxis

· The basic policy documents (orders, instructions) on the organization and conduct of specific immunoprophylaxis /

· The source of infection, routes and factors of transmission in hepatitis B. The risk group. Specific laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis B

· The source of infection, routes and factors of transmission in hepatitis C. The risk groups. Specific laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis C

· Measures in the center of viral hepatitis with parenteral transmission

· The main directions of prevention of viral hepatitis with parenteral transmission mechanism

· Prevention of professional infection of the medical personnel with viral hepatitis. Measures in case of injury or contact with the patient's blood or other biological materials

· The specific prevention of hepatitis B

· The source and ways of HIV transmission

· The risk groups for HIV infection

· The specific diagnosis of HIV infection

· Prevention of the occupational HIV infection

· Post-exposure prevention of HIV infection

· The algorithm of action of a medical worker in case of an emergency situation in contact with a patient with HIV

· Features of the epidemiology of nosocomial infections, mechanisms of their transmission

· The main directions of prevention of nosocomial infections in dental clinics.

· Features of the causative agent of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection. The concept of bird flu.

· Factors of pathogenicity of pathogens of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· The source of infection and factors of transmission of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· The pathogenesis of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· The classification of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· The main clinical syndromes of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· The clinical signs depending on the severity of influenza, parainfluenza, MS infection, adenoviral, rhinovirus infection.

· Features of the causative agent of diphtheria.

· The source of infection and diphtheria transmission factors.

· The main stages of the pathogenesis of diphtheria.

· Classification of diphtheria.

· The main clinical syndromes of diphtheria.

· The clinical signs of diphtheria depending on the severity of the course.

· The specific complications of diphtheria.

· The differential diagnosis of diphtheria and angina syndrome.

· The differential diagnosis of "angina" syndrome.

· The diphtheria examination plan.

· The methods of specific diagnosis of diphtheria. Interpretation of laboratory test results.

· The specific therapy for diphtheria: dose, route of administration, duration of treatment.

· The emergency care for a patient with diphtheria.

· The rules for discharge of diphtheria convalescents from the hospital.

· The prevention and measures in the center of diphtheria.

· What are the etiological factors of acute pharyngitis?

· Epidemiology of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The classification of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The pathogenesis of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The main local clinical signs of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The main common clinical signs of bacterial pharyngitis?

· Features of the clinical picture of bacterial pharyngitis in children.

· Features of the clinic of bacterial pharyngitis of various etiologies?

· The causes of chronic bacterial pharyngitis?

· The laboratory diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis.

· The instrumental diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis

· What are the main complications of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The differential diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis with pharyngitis of other etiology?

· What are the basic principles of treatment of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The role of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The role of antiseptics in the treatment of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The treatment of complications of bacterial pharyngitis?

· What are the main methods of prevention of bacterial pharyngitis?

· The formulate a diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis.

· To which group of infectious diseases does herpesvirus infection belong?

· The features of pathogens of EVV infection, CMV infection, infectious mononucleosis.

· Ways of transmitting herpesvirus infection?

· The etiology and epidemiology of herpesvirus infection.

· The pathogenesis of herpesvirus infection.

· The classification of herpesvirus infection.

· The stages of development of herpetic vesicles.

· The main clinical signs of localized herpes.

· The primary herpes, clinic.

· The recurrent herpes, clinic.

· Shingles, clinic.

· The features of ophthalmoherpes.

· Forms of herpes infection with damage to the nervous system.

· The acute herpetic meningitis.

· The describe spinal cord injuries in herpes infection.

· The congenital herpes infection.

· The consequences of herpes infection.

· The main causes of mortality from herpesvirus infections.

· The plan of examination of a patient with herpesvirus infection · Methods of specific diagnosis. Interpretation of results.

· The principles of antiviral therapy.

· The etiotropic therapy of herpes infection: doses, route of administration, duration of treatment.

· The treatment in the acute period of the disease and during relapse.

· The therapy in remission.

· The prevention of herpesvirus infections.

· The features of pathogens of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The factors of pathogenicity of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The source of infection and transmission factors in salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The pathogenesis and classification of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The main clinical syndromes of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The clinical signs of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis, depending on the severity.

· The specific complications of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The differential diagnosis of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The plan of examination of the patient with salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The methods of specific diagnosis of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· Interpretation of laboratory results in salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis: doses, routes of administration, duration of treatment.

· The emergency care for patients with salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The rules of discharge from the hospital for salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The prevention and measures in the center of salmonellosis, cholera, shigellosis.

· The main causative agents of food poisoning.

· The features of the causative agent of botulism.

· The characteristics of botulinum toxin.

· The source of infection and transmission factors in botulism.

· Pathogenesis of botulism.

· The classification of botulism.

· The main clinical syndromes of botulism.

· The clinical manifestations depending on the severity of the course.

· The specific complications of botulism.

· The differential diagnosis of botulism.

· The plan of examination of a patient with botulism.

· The methods of specific diagnosis of botulism. Interpretation of laboratory test results.

· The specific therapy of botulism: doses, route of administration of serum, duration of treatment.

· The emergency care for a patient with botulism.

· The rules for discharge of convalescents from the hospital.

· The concept of viral hepatitis VGG, SEN, TTV.

· The source of infection and factors of VG transmission.

· The pathogenesis of HCV and hepatic encephalopathy.

· The classification of VG.

· The main clinical syndromes in HCV.

· The clinical symptoms of HCV depending on the severity of the course.

· The differential diagnosis of HBV, HCV, IBD, HCV, SEN, TTV.

· The plan of examination of the patient with parenteral hepatitis, echinococcal encephalopathy.

· The methods of specific diagnosis of HCV. Interpretation of laboratory test results.

· The treatment of HCV, hepatic encephalopathy.

· The rules for discharging convalescents from the hospital.

· The prevention and measures in the VG center.

· The source of infection in HIV and AIDS.

· The transmission factors for HIV and AIDS.

· The pathogenesis of HIV infection and AIDS.

· The epidemiological features of the AIDS epidemic in Ukraine.

· The classification of HIV and AIDS.

· The clinical picture of HIV - infection and AIDS.

· The high risk groups for HIV and AIDS.

· The methods of diagnosis of HIV - infection and AIDS.

· The differential diagnosis of HIV infection and AIDS.

· What drugs are used in the treatment of HIV and AIDS.

· The preventive measures for HIV - infection and AIDS.

· The medical examination of HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

· Definition of erysipelas, tetanus, characteristics of pathogens.

· Ways of infection with erysipelas, tetanus.

· The pathogenesis of tetanus and erysipelas.

· The classification of clinical forms of erysipelas, tetanus.

· The diagnosis of erysipelas, tetanus.

· The clinical classification of yellow fever.

· The main clinical signs of yellow fever.

· The nature of the temperature curve in yellow fever.

· Pathogenesis of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome in GG.

· The complications of hemorrhagic fevers.

· The nature of changes in the hemogram with hemorrhagic fevers.

· The specific diagnosis of GG.

· The criteria for the diagnosis of yellow fever.

· The epidemiological features of yellow fever.

· The clinical signs of hemorrhagic fever Congo-Crimea.

· The source of infection and mechanism of infection of the Congo-Crimea.

· The classification of the Congo-Crimea.

· The main clinical signs of hemorrhagic syndrome in GG.

· The immunity to hemorrhagic fevers.

· The criteria for the diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever Congo-Crimea.

· Prevention of yellow fever.

· Principles of etiotropic therapy in GG.

· The signs of internal bleeding in GG.

· The most characteristic clinical signs of GH Ebola.

· The nature of the rash in GG Marburg.

· The characteristic changes in the hemogram in GH Ebola.

· The criteria for diagnosis of GG Lassa.

· The clinical features of GG Marburg.

· The main causes of mortality in GG.

· The principles of pathogenetic therapy in GG.

· The rules of hospitalization, care and discharge from the hospital at GG.

· The types of immunity and their characteristics.

· Incidence and prevalence of hepatitis B and C, HIV infection in the world, Ukraine, Sumy region

· Features of pathogens HBV, HCV, HCV.

Last Updated (Thursday, 22 September 2022 06:26)