Clinical resident in Infectious Diseases is the highest form of training of medical specialists. The main objective of clinical studies is to enhance professional knowledge, improving levels of skills and a medical specialist to prepare a highly qualified physician for independent work in health care.


To study the clinical residency in the specialty of infectious disease should be the first dean in July to FPMO following documents:

  • personally filled piece of accounting personnel;
  • copy of the diploma of higher education and qualification of specialist "doctor";
  • copy of certificate of qualification medical specialist with a medical specialty;
  • extract from the work record;
  • list of scientific publications and inventions and innovations (if any);
  • extract from the minutes of the Academic Council of the educational institution or institution of post-graduate education with the recommendation of intern doctors in training in residency (for persons who enter the clinical studies without the required length of physician specialty).

Last Updated (Friday, 19 January 2024 11:47)