Department of Infectious Diseases.
Ukraine, Sumy, 40021
15, 20 rokiv Peremogy Street.
Phone.: +38 (0542) 65-52-94
E-mail: info@kinf.sumdu.edu.ua
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List of questions for self-training in the discipline "Infectious diseases", 6th year
List of questions for self-training in the discipline "Infectious diseases", 6th year
Methodology of conducting assessment in the discipline "Infectious diseases", 6th course After the end of classroom classes provided by the curriculum, a differential assessment is conducted, to which students who do not have academic debt and have scored at least 72 points for the current performance (current performance 72-120 points) are admitted. Current control is carried out at each practical session in accordance with the specific goals of the topic and contains standardized forms of control of theoretical training and control of professional skills. Current control includes assessment of the level of knowledge (testing conducted online (with independent preparation), oral or written express survey, test control using test tasks), assessment of the main stage of practical training (control of professional skills during the curation of patients, solving typical situational tasks increased level of complexity), assessment of the final level of knowledge in the lesson (solving situational problems of the III level of complexity, interpretation of the results of laboratory and other methods of examination of the patient). The form of the final modular control of the academic discipline includes control of theoretical training (using standardized and test tasks) and control of professional skills (level III situational tasks) in accordance with the program. The structure of the final modular control: 1 Test computer control - maximum score 10 points. 2 Written work - situational task and answer to theoretical questions - 30 points. Example of written work. An example of writing work: 1 The patient K., 16 years old, with a diagnosis of "Scarlet fever" and complaints of general weakness, headache and muscle pain, joint pain, vomiting, emptying disorders, moderate pain in the right anesthetized area, body temperature up to 39.5 0 C. During the examination, it was found that there was hyperemia, edema of the face with a pronounced pale nasolabial triangle, the presence of scarlet-like rashes on the trunk, upper and lower limbs, as well as tenderness and swelling of the large and small joints. At the apex of the heart, systolic noise is heard at the background of the overall decrease in the volume of heart tones. In the study of general blood analysis leukocytosis with shift of the formula to the left with monocytosis and lymphopenia, eosinophilia, ESR 30 mm / h. 1.1 Formulate a clinical diagnosis. 1.2 Make a plan for laboratory examination of the patient with the indication of expected changes. 1.3 Make a plan of treatment (mandatory prescriptions). 2 Features of exanthema in patients with typhoid fevers. 3 Clinic manifestation of Botulism. 4 Emergency care with anaphylactic shock. 3 Practical skills - 40 points. 3.1 Surveys and objective examination of the patient. 3.2 Formulation and justification of the diagnosis. 3.3 Preparation of a survey plan to confirm the diagnosis. 3.4 Preparation of the treatment plan. 3.5 Implementation of the practical skills offered by the lecturer. Standards for answers to a situational task 1.Pseudotuberculosis, a mixed form (scarlet fever, arthralgic, abdominal), of moderate severity. 2. General blood test (leukocytosis with neutrophilic shift, acceleration of ESR, thrombocytopenia), urine (protein traces, gelatinous cylinders, single leukocytes and erythrocytes), coprogram (mushroom consistency, mucus admixture). Biochemical blood test (moderate bilirubinemia, elevation of ALAT and ASAT). Bacteriological examination of blood (selection of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis), feces (selection of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis). Serologic examination: RA (diagnostic titre 1: 200 and more), RNGA (diagnostic titre 1: 280 and more), ELISA (definition of antibodies of the class IgM). 3. Hospitalization in an infectious hospital. Mode - strict bed mode. Diet №4. Rp.: Enterosgel 25.0 D.S. 1 tablespoon of sorbent to add up to 30 ml of water, take a suspension 3 times a day 2 hours before or after a meal Rp.: Ceftriaxone 1.0 No. 20 D.S. The contents of the vial should be dissolved in 3.5 ml of water for injection or 1% solution of lidocaine, injected intramuscularly into the gluteal muscle twice a day for 10 days. Rp.: Rheosorbylacti 200.0 D.D. No. 3. S. 200 ml intravenous 1 time per day, for 3 days. Rp.: Tab. Loratadine 0,01 No. 10. D.S. On 1 tablet inside 1 time per day, for 10 days. Rp.: Lacto in caps. D.D. No. 48. S. To take inside for 20 min. before meals, three times a day, for 15 days. Content module 1. Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal infections General characteristics of infectious diseases with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission. The concept of enterotoxigenic Enteroinvasive and diarrhea. Cholera: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Salmonellosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Food poisoning: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Viral intestinal lesions: etiology, epidemiology, classification, pathogenesis, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Intestinal Yersiniosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Pseudo- tuberculosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Shigellosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Amebiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Balantidiasis: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Giardiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Botulism: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, treatment and prevention. Classification of helminths. Effect of helminths on the human body. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of helminthiasis. Features differential diagnosis and prevention. Ascariasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Enterobiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Trichocephalus: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Strongyloidiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Trichinosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Toxocariasis: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, complications, treatment. Teniarinchosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Teniasis, cysticercosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Hymenolepiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Echinococcosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Opisthorchiasis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Features and treatment of enterotoxigenic & Enteroinvasive diarrhea. Dehydration shock: definition, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of fluid and electrolyte disorders in various stages of dehydration. Emergency. Content module 2. Problems of viral hepatitis General characteristics of viral hepatitis. HAV: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, immunoprophylaxis. HEV: clinical course, especially in the course of pregnancy, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, prevention. HBV: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, disease measures, principles of immunization, weather. HCV: classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, prevention, prognosis. HDV: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, prevention, prognosis. Clinical differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Leptospirosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis, complications, treatment. Fulminant viral hepatitis: pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory diagnosis, treatment guidelines. Content module 3. Respiratory, blood, wound infection General characteristics of infectious respiratory diseases. The term "ARD" and "SARS". Principles of differential diagnosis of SARS prevention. Influenza: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, disease measures, principles of immunization. Categories of risk indications for hospitalization. Parainfluenza: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Adenovirus disease: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. RS-infection: clinical course in adults, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Respiratory mycoplasmosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment principles different clinical forms. Psittacosis: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment principles of various clinical forms, especially prevention. Legionellosis: classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment principles of various clinical forms, especially prevention. SARS: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines, prevention. Acute respiratory failure: definition, classification, pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory diagnosis, treatment guidelines, emergency Pre hospital, the clinic of infectious diseases. Respiratory distress syndrome of adults: definition, classification, pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory diagnosis, treatment guidelines, emergency Pre hospital. Differential diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Differential diagnosis of typical and atypical pneumonia. General characteristics of infectious diseases transmissible mechanism of transmission. Malaria: classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Indications for testing for malaria. The concept of "arbovirus infection" and "hemorrhagic fever". Characteristics of the main clinical syndromes in these infections. Fever pappatachi: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Dengue Fever: etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification, main clinical forms, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment guidelines and prevention. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Acute renal failure, especially in the course of HHAS. Congo-Crimean fever: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment. Fever Marburg, Ebola, Lassa: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, complications, prognosis, treatment and prevention. The concept of rickettsiosis. Epidemic typhus disease and lipstick: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Marseille fever: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, treatment, prevention. Vesicular rickettsiosis: specific differential diagnosis. Lyme disease: clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, especially differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, principles of treatment and prevention. General characteristics of wound infections. Anthrax: classification, clinical course, laboratory diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, treatment and prevention. Preventive measures in the hearth. Rabies: pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis. Emergency prevention of rabies. Tetanus: classification, pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, principles of treatment. Emergency prevention of tetanus. Erysipelas: classification, clinical course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, principles of treatment and prevention of chronic forms. Felinosis: clinical course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, principles of treatment and prevention. Sodoku: sodoku, streptobatsyloz. Etiology, epidemiology, classification, pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications, prognosis, principles of treatment and prevention. General characteristics of infectious diseases with multiple mechanisms of transmission. List of professional skills Be able to substantiate previous clinical diagnosis of the most common infectious diseases with airborne, fecal-oral mechanism of transmission of viral hepatitis. Be able to recognize complications and emergency conditions in patients with the most common infectious diseases of airborne, fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, viral hepatitis. Be able to recognize and enterotoksyhennyy enteroinvazyvnyy character diarrhea. Be able to assign inspection plan for patients with the most common infectious diseases of droplets, fecal-oral transmission mechanisms, acute forms of viral hepatitis. Be able to conduct clinical differential diagnosis of intestinal infections with diarrheal syndrome. Be able to conduct clinical differential diagnosis of respiratory infections. Be able to conduct a differential diagnosis of typical and atypical pneumonia. Be able to conduct clinical differential diagnosis of viral hepatitis, jaundice. Provide clinical and laboratory differential diagnosis of infectious diseases with airborne, fecal-oral transmission mechanisms, acute and chronic viral hepatitis. Appoint a rational treatment of patients with infectious diseases from airborne, fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, viral hepatitis at various stages of care. To be able to provide emergency care to patients with infectious disease from airborne, fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, viral hepatitis. Plan basic preventive measures of infectious diseases with airborne, fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, viral hepatitis.Last Updated (Saturday, 17 September 2022 05:30)